Anchorage Staff
Ms. Christy Eli-Piercy
Phone: 907-563-0944
Email: Christy Eli-Piercy
Good day, all.
My name is Christy Eli-Piercy. I am a passionate educator that promotes growth and learning for students and families within education. I have been teaching in Alaska for several years within the Denali Borough School District. I have worked specifically with Special Education students and families within both our brick and mortar schools and our PEAK Correspondence/Homeschool Program.
A little about me and my journey…
My history in the field of education all started at the collegiate level in 2009. It has worked in a backwards spiral since. It all began at a small Community College in Mississippi where I was working with high school students who dually enrolled in college courses. From here, my desire to work with students on a more personal level developed. I returned to school picking up multiple degrees. One specifically developed around education with minors in English, Reading, Science, and Social Studies. After teaching within an inclusion environment my first few years, I decided a path in Special Education would be an eye opening journey and would provide me with more abilities and avenues to help others. My passion and desire to help students grew rapidly into something I had never thought possible. My desire to understand and educate student with disabilities became a driving force leading me on the journey that I am currently exploring.
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